Manufacto 2024‑2025

Séance Manufacto
Séance Manufacto © Benoît Teillet
Séance Manufacto
Séance Manufacto © Benoît Teillet
The start of the school year marks the beginning of the ninth edition of Manufacto, the Skills Factory. Since 2016, this programme that aims to introduce school pupils to manual crafts is rolled out ever more widely across France. Manufacto now encompasses sixteen partner boards of education and gives a total of 2,400 pupils the opportunity to discover artisanal skills through hands-on experiences.

In 2016, the Fondation d’entreprise Hermès, in partnership with the Paris board of education and in collaboration with the Compagnons du Devoir et du Tour de France, launched the Manufacto programme. This educational initiative aims to introduce young generations to manual craft trades during school hours: the pilot year saw 150 pupils accompanied step-by-step as they created a contemporary object.

In September 2024, the Rennes board of education becomes the sixteenth board of education to participate in Manufacto in collaboration with the Foundation. Some 96 classes of all ages (39 primary school classes, 43 middle school classes, 12 lycée classes and 2 special educational needs classes) are now taking part in the programme, for a total of 2,400 pupils. Each of them will discover one of four trades – leatherwork, saddlery-upholstery, carpentry, plasterwork – by creating one of thirteen objects specially designed for the Manufacto programme.

Though the technical specifications of the objects are carefully adapted for each age group, the principle is the same at every level: overseen by a professional craftsperson and an assistant, pupils carry out each step involved in the fabrication of their object and, in doing so, become familiar with the gestures, tools and vocabulary specific to their chosen craft. They have the opportunity to experience the rigour, precision and dexterity –  as well as the mutual support and the pleasure of making – that are essential to craft production. At the end of twelve two-hour sessions and after having customised their objects, each pupil can enjoy the pride that comes with having made something by hand from start to finish.

As well as introducing students to craft trades, the programme helps to transform classroom dynamics, allowing pupils to develop unexpected skills and boost their self-confidence. It also gives teachers the opportunity to approach fundamental subjects (maths, literature, history, geography, etc.) in fun and innovative ways.

Returning for a ninth edition, Manufacto will give 2,400 school pupils the chance to discover craft skills over the course of the 2024-2025 school year.
The Rennes board of education becomes the sixteenth partner board of education to participate in this educational initiative.
Participating pupils will discover one of four craft trades: leatherwork, saddlery-upholstery, carpentry and plasterwork.


  • The sixteen partner boards of education and coordinating structures for the 2024-2025 academic year
    • Amiens board of education
      With le Campus des métiers et des qualifications d'excellence Image et Design des Hauts-de-France
    • Besançon board of education
      Directly coordinates the programme locally, with le Pôle Hermès des maroquineries Bourgogne-Franche Comté
    • Bordeaux board of education
      With the MADD - Musée des Arts décoratifs et du Design Bordeaux, the PEMA - Pôle Expérimental Métiers d'Art Nontron Périgord-Limousin, and the non-profit organization La Réciproque
    • Créteil board of education
      With the Campus des métiers et des qualifications d'excellence Mode, Métiers d’Art & Design – Manufacture des Gobelins
    • La Réunion board of education
      With the MADOI - Musée des arts décoratifs de l'océan Indien
    • Lille board of education
      With the Campus des métiers et des qualifications d'excellence Image et Design des Hauts-de-France
    • Lyon board of education
      With the Campus des métiers et des qualifications d'excellence Design, matériaux et innovation Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and the Maroquinerie Hermès de Pierre-Bénite 
    • Montpellier board of education
      With the Campus des métiers et des qualifications d'excellence Design et industries créatives Occitanie and Toulouse Board of Education
    • Nice board of education
      With the Villa Noailles
    • Normandie board of education
      With the Communauté d’agglomération Seine-Eure
    • Orléans-Tours board of education
      With the Campus des métiers et des qualifications d'excellence PatMAT – patrimoine, métiers d’art et tourisme.
    • Paris board of education
      Directly coordinates the programme locally
    • Reims board of education
      With the Pôle Hermès des maroquineries des Ardennes
    • Rennes board of education
      With the coopérative Comme un établi
    • Toulouse board of education
      Directly coordinates the programme locally, with the Campus des métiers et des qualifications d'excellence Design et industries créatives Occitanie
    • Versailles board of education
      With the Campus des métiers et des qualifications d'excellence Patrimoine et artisanat Versailles
  • Call for Applications

    Applications for the 2025-2026 school year are open from 3 February to 16 March 2025

    Apply online

See also