
    • an itinerant festival dedicated to the performing arts
      In 2023, the New Settings programme becomes Transforme, a touring festival created by the Fondation d’entreprise Hermès in partnership with four theatres in Paris, Lyon, Rennes and Clermont-Ferrand. This new format will foreground works that galvanise both performing artists and audiences, with a multidisciplinary programme in touch with our world today.
    • A French American Photography Commission
      Immersion, a French American Photography Commission is a programme dedicated to contemporary photography. Consisting of alternating residencies between France and the United States, it brings together the creation, production and diffusion of new photographic work, attesting to the Foundation’s bold engagement in favour of this medium: each year’s laureates create original series to be shared with a wide audience through exhibitions and publications.
    • Four spaces dedicated to contemporary art
      Ever since its creation, the Fondation d’entreprise Hermès has provided long-term support for the visual arts through an ambitious programme of exhibitions conceived by renowned curators attentive to both France’s contemporary art scene and the presentation of work by French artists abroad. Unfolding across the Foundation’s four dedicated spaces in Europe and Asia, these exhibitions often feature new work and constitute broad artistic gestures that that the public are invited to discover.
    • Carte blanche to visual artists in the Hermès workshops
      Each year since 2010, the Fondation d’entreprise Hermès has invited artists to explore exceptional gestures and skills at Hermès workshops through its Artists’ Residencies programme. These residencies offer the guest artists carte blanche to expand their creativity alongside Hermès craftspeople, producing original works using singular materials. The residencies lend themselves to unique dialogues and exceptional, unconventional artistic experiments.


    • Discovering artisan trades in the school environment
      In 2016, the Fondation d’entreprise Hermès created Manufacto, the Skills Factory, an original programme designed to introduce schoolchildren to craft know how. Over the course of the school year, pupils discover gestures, techniques and tools as they create a contemporary, everyday object, in an initiation to the world and the skills of craft as well as to the pleasures of making.
    • A professional skills upgrading programme
      Founded in 2014, the Skills Academy brings together the transmission of knowledge with interdisciplinary practice and prospective research. At each edition of the Academy, craftspeople, designers and engineers undertake a collective exploration of a universal material, innovating at the same time as they share their skills with one another. Though the Academy is reserved for professionals, it is also extends its reach through a programme of talks open to the public.
    • A launchpad for young talents in the performing arts
      Through its Artists in the Community programme, the Fondation d’entreprise Hermès seeks to ensure that the talents of tomorrow can pursue artistic careers and flourish in their chosen fields today. Artists in the Community promotes the transmission of skills through professional training with a range of support for existing initiatives as well as a specific bursary programme designed to help students facing financial difficulty to train for careers in the performing arts. Each of these initiatives will contribute, in time, to the renewal of the performing arts scene.


    • A commitment to the preservation of biodiversity
      Dedicated to preserving our environment in general, and our biodiversity in particular, the Fondation d’entreprise Hermès acts responsibly and collectively to support people seeking to improve our relationships to the ecosystems that surround us. The Foundation accompanies a number of projects that promote awareness, education and the sharing of sustainable ecological practices, focusing on practical initiatives that are designed in close collaboration with recognised actors in the field.
      Protecting the environment is one of the four axes structuring the actions of the Fondation d’entreprise Hermès. Mindful of the fragility of our ecosystems and the importance of handing them down to future generations, the Foundation has strengthened its efforts for a more sustainable world by launching the Manuterra programme. Taking place in school environments, this environmental education initiative aims to raise awareness among young people of the living world that surrounds us.


    • A charitable programme led by Hermès staff
      Sharing the humanist and artisanal values of the house, Hermès team members are invited to undertake collective actions as part of H³ – Heart, Head, Hand, the Foundation’s philanthropic programme. The projects supported as part of H³ - all attest to a culture of mutual aid and a close involvement in local communities. They allow the Foundation to extend its charitable actions, promoting gestures of solidarity throughout our society and strengthening individual and collective engagement.