New Settings
New Settings
An international programme dedicated to the performing arts

Since its inauguration in 2011, New Settings has been guided by the same ideals and aims: listening to the concerns and needs of artists and backing them at every step of their journey, from the studio to the stage; supporting original writing and unexpected forms, and the artistic daring of the creators of each project, be they critically acclaimed figures or emerging talents; encouraging artists to encounter other disciplines, to explore new territories and to collaborate with creators from different backgrounds; and, finally, ensuring the public presentation of these new and original works.
The productions supported as part of this programme by the Fondation d’entreprise Hermès are selected through a year-long international call for projects, as well as through discussions with the partners of New Settings. The Foundation’s support begins at the production and rehearsal phase, and it accompanies projects through to their public presentations. Performance dates are offered to artists in collaboration with cultural institutions across Paris and the wider Île-de-France region – including the Théâtre de la Cité Internationale, the Festival d’Automne à Paris, the Théâtre de la Ville, the Centre Pompidou and the MC93 – as well as at Les Subsistances in Lyon.

The performance calendar is arranged into seasons at the different partner venues, and offers a considerable degree of visibility to these original creations that combine artistic audacity with high professional standards. Between 2012 and 2019, selections of New Settings works were presented in the United States as part of the Crossing the Line festival in partnership with the FIAF – French Institute Alliance Française in New York. During the pandemic, the Foundation stood by the creators who were unable to present their work due to public health restrictions. It subsequently worked with its partners to ensure that the postponed performances could take place, so that artists and spectators could finally return to theatres and auditoriums to experience these new works in person.
The Fondation d’entreprise Hermès is also committed to expanding the audiences of New Settings performance works and to sharing the creative gestures of their authors. In 2022, the “New Settings... Going Further” format expands the programming of the current edition, accompanying artists as they venture beyond the theatre stage to share their works with audiences at a remove from cultural venues. In partnership with the MC93, the TCi, the Académie Fratellini and the École Supérieure d’Art Dramatique (ESAD), supported artists are invited to literally go off the beaten track through workshops and itinerant performances, giving new audiences the opportunity to experience the emotion of performance works.
- The October committee will consider projects received by noon on September 1, 2022;
- The February committee will consider projects received by noon on January 1, 2023;
- The July committee will consider projects received by noon on June 1, 2023.